
Europe Business Assembly (EBA)

EBA is an internationally recognized non-governmental organization based in Oxford, UK. Our mission is to develop and implement projects for economic and social development of regions, companies and corporations, providing practical dialogue between experts, academics, investors, businessmen, representatives of state and local government.

EPMA as the European Coordinator in the field of Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine

Predictive medicine is a new philosophy in the healthcare and an attractive subject for currently initiated research activities aimed at a potential application of innovative biotechnologies in the prediction of human pathologies, a development of well-timed prevention and individual therapy-planning. The issue has several aspects which allow the expectations of great advantages for predictive diagnostics and personalised treatment as the medicine of the future. Amongst the most important aspects are a well-organised population screening, targeted prevention of the frequent pathologies, non- or minimally-invasive diagnostics, optimal therapy planning, personalised patient treatment, substantial improvement of the quality of life and the plausible solutions for particular social, ethical as well as serious economical problems.


The European Depression Association (EDA) is an alliance of organisations, patients, researchers and healthcare professionals from 19 countries across Europe. We support and give a voice for those affected by depression.

Health First Europe

Health First Europe is a non-profit, non-commercial alliance of patients, healthcare workers, academics and healthcare experts and the medical technology industry. We aim to ensure that equitable access to modern, innovative and reliable medical technology and healthcare is regarded as a vital investment in the future of Europe. We call for truly patient-centred healthcare and believe that every European citizen should benefit from the best medical treatments available


The European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines (EAASM) is an independent, pan-European initiative dedicated to protecting patient safety by ensuring access to safe and legitimate medicines. The Alliance was formed by a cross-section of European stake-holders from a variety of backgrounds. Its key activities include campaigning for the safer use of unlicensed or off-label medicines and also the exclusion of counterfeit and substandard medicines from the supply chain, raising public awareness around such issues, and promoting effective legislation and enforcement in relation to falsified medicines.

A- Health First Europe

The European Patients Academy (EUPATI) will better inform patients about medicines R&D and the complexity of new treatment development, and train them about becoming partners in the development process.  We will provide scientifically reliable, objective and comprehensive information to patients and patient advocates. We will increase the capacity of patients to be effective partners and advisors, whether it be in clinical trials, with regulatory authorities or in ethics committees. The project is led by the European Patients’ Forum and is comprised of a unique combination of pan-European patient organisations, academic and not-for-profit groups expert in patient and public engagement, and EFPIA companies. EUPATI will provide the tools for empowerment and offer meaningful involvement and engagement in medicines innovation and safety, as well as access to treatments.

Epg on line

Epg on line is an online disease and medicines knowledge base for healthcare professionals worldwide. Clinical information and tools from reputable sources are organised by disease topic, providing a reference tool to assist in the provision of patient care. Content includes drug data in 9 European languages, trials guidelines, case studies, images, educational knowledge centres, drug news and more.

Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacy

The European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines 

1386 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 2UJ

The EAASM Community Interest Company registration number is 6384429


Chi siamo

Tempo di lettura: 1 minutoSalutEuropa è un ecosistema in continua evoluzione.

Tutti voi, come tante cellule, potete sentirvi parte di questo organismo e contribuire nella sua crescita. Il suo scopo è uno solo: contribuire nel migliorare la qualità della vita dell’essere umano.

Le nostre parole chiave sono indipendenza e responsabilità.

La salute segue le leggi della natura, non quelle dell’economia. Per questo abbiamo deciso di non accettare pubblicità, ma vivere di collaborazioni su base volontaria e donazioni.

La responsabilità permette di condividere servizi ed informazioni in grado di essere realmente utili e certificati.

Apparteniamo ad una comunità fitta di relazioni interdipendenti nella quale ciascuno può responsabilmente contribuire all’evoluzione generale.


Mission & Vision

Interdisciplinarity is a natural process that is leading the different branch of Sciences toward a common view of life and nature.
After a period of specialisation, in which science  reached  a deeper understanding of nature’s mechanisms through the development of technology, the time is now ripe for  better interdisciplinary knowledge-sharing.
The Institute promotes the work of knowledge merging.
This process is focused both on the senior researcher and on the development of the young researcher.
Our activities are:
  • Promotion of interdisciplinary meetings (congresses, focus groups)
  • Educational programs
  • Research projects
  •  professional and general dissemination


European Lifestyle Medicine Organization

Chemin des Mouilles, 4 – 1213, Petit-Lancy – Suisse

Registre du Commerce (Commercial Register) – Numero d’ Identification d’entreprise, IDE: CHE-245.611.678

info@eulm.org –  www.eulm.org

Bios Project

EMA is a partner of the “BioS: Digital Skills on Computational Biology” project approved in the European Framework of Erasmus+ / Sector Skills Alliances Programme. BioS aims at advancing the digital skills of medical doctors through the design, development and delivery of new modular vocational curricula on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics. The purpose is to provide medical doctors with knowledge, skills and competencies, which will allow them to tackle effectively concurrent challenges in EU healthcare systems, services, and policies, in benefit of the health of EU citizens.

BioS establishes a multi-stakeholder partnership, comprising of 13 partners in 8 EU Member-States, and develops all its outputs in 9 EU languages, thus guaranteeing wide impact throughout the EU and beyond, while directly responding to the demand for coordination between policy makers, training and education providers and health professionals’ associations, as it will produce Policy Briefs and Recommendations, thus contributing to the relevant policy agendas in national and EU level.

European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP)

Maison Européenne de la Protection Sociale
rue d’Arlon 50
1000 Brussels

T central: +32 (0)2 282 0560
T direct: +32 (0)2 282 0562
Fax: +32 (0)2 282 0598
E-mail:  christine.dawson@esip.eu

The United States and the EU have agreed to amend the Pharmaceutical Annex to the 1998 US-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA), allowing the US and the EU to utilize each other’s good manufacturing practice (GMP) inspections of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. The MRA is a legally binding treaty between the US and the EU to be able to exchange GMP Certificates based on equivalent GMP Compliance Program.

This agreement is a result of three years of negotiations and cooperation between the USFDA and the EU, as a part of the Mutual Reliance Initiative (MRI). The agreement will now allow drug inspectors to have access to information on inspections conducted within their respective jurisdictions. The agreement is a step forward to avoid duplication of drug inspections and will contribute to decreased inspection costs.


Medilogy is a DS Medigroup Company.

Our mission is:

  • connect Evidence Based Medicine to everyday clinical practice, by providing softwares and tools to access filtered and graded contents according to patient history. We select the best content providers, and we connect their knowledge base to our software, which can be used either as a stand-alone application or to interface CPOE or EMR software. Our goal is to make the use of EBM easy, fast and efficient
  • interconnect through ICT, doctors, pharmacists, nurses and patients making use of a healthcare network model based on collaboration and sharing of information and processes at point of care

Medilogy can boast the 30-year of DS Medica, a world leader in researching, designing and marketing scientific software and medical technology, as well as a team of professionals with a long-established expertise in the sector of health and medicine.

Medilogy designs and manufactures innovative solutions for health system network consisting of software and ICT services for primary care, local health authorities and hospitals, thanks to an intense research activity carried out in collaboration with leading research institutions, scientific companies and health industry associations.